新加坡国立大学 经济学硕士申请 Checklist 4220

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最近皇冠现金网出国的很多朋友正在准备2025 Fall新加坡国立大学的申请,,那么这里皇冠现金网小编来给大家发出新加坡国立大学经济学硕士申请的Check list,供大家参考!
1. Please upload the copy of these application documents to the Graduate Admission System (GDA2) during the online application stage. The total size of your uploaded documents should not exceed 10MB. Please save your documents as PDF.
2. All supporting documents must be in English or accompanied by an official translation in English. Translated copies of the documents must be certified true copies. In particular, translated copies of the transcript(s) and degree scroll(s) must be certified by the issuing institution(s). If you are unable to obtain certified true copies of your supporting documents, notarised documents will be accepted.
3. There is no need to send any application documents to us by post by the application deadline. If your application is shortlisted for admission, you will be contacted by us and will be asked to submit relevant supporting documents to us by post.
4. The online checklist in the Graduate Admission System (GDA2) may not be updated in time. You will receive a reminder email if additional information is required.